It must have been very difficult for the early Christians to
imagine what would happen to their movement once the
Holy Spirit shook the place where they were meeting (Acts
4). Up to that point, they had experienced little persecution.
But what started as a movement behind closed doors was
going to be dramatically thrust out into the open! When we
are shaken by the Spirit, we cannot help but to move out in
gratitude and in power.
Go ahead. Take a look at what happens next in Acts 4:23-
5:16. The shaking of God’s people produced movement. The
believers were compelled toward generosity, sharing, and
caring for the needy. They gathered in community out in
the open (no longer behind closed doors). Crowds gathered.
People were drawn to the community and were being saved!
Grace was the basis for all of this. The Gospel was the basis
for physical healing, the healing of the worry and desire for
money and things, healing from isolation, healing from fear
and rejection of others. A boldness swept over the church.
For many years Denise and I have felt a
continued challenge to give our financial
resources to God’s Kingdom work. For
Shaken, that desire continues to grow and
strengthen us. We have also felt led in this
season to lead a life group in our home.
We’ve done that quite often over the years.
It stretches us. However, this time, we felt led by God to lead
a group for young adults (18–24-year-olds). We are certainly
outside of our element. We’re a bit apprehensive. I feel that’s
what being shaken by God does to us. We must think through
and work out the implication of the Gospel in every area of our
own lives.

We are coming close to the culmination of our Shaken initiative
in December. We look forward to celebrating all that God has
done in and through us throughout this journey. We continue to
hear stories and see lives being changed at White Oak.
Sixty-six baptisms with more on the way! Hundreds of people
are stepping into life groups. We’ve been able to support
displaced pastors and their families in war-torn Myanmar. The
refreshing of ministry-ready spaces at our Colerain facility is
taking place and plans for partnering with Side by Side and
BLOC ministries are underway! We have paid down the debt of
our Ross facility saving more than $1.662M in interest over the
life of our loan. God is moving with power and the result of his
grace is producing boldness in his Church at White Oak!
I want to thank you for your generosity over this season. It’s
changing lives! I don’t know what the implication of the Gospel
being worked out in your life looks like. I do want to encourage
you. Don’t let up. Don’t coast to the finish line. Continue to ask
God to shake you to bold steps of trust.